Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Eternal Death?

The wages of sin is death [Rom 6:23]. Is death eternal in any sense?

     If death really means eternal life in some really nasty place, or eternal destruction from the presence of God, and if Jesus paid (past tense really wouldn't work here) the penalty for sin [Heb 2:9], how is it that Jesus is now at the right hand of the Father [Acts 7:55-56]?
     If death really means death (the cessation of life), and it means forever dead, how is it that Jesus is now at the right hand of the Father [Rom 8:34, Rom 6:9]?
     How can death be "swallowed up in victory" [1 Cor 15:54], and "be no more" [Rev 21:4], if a single created being remains in its grip?
     If, on the other hand, death does mean the cessation of life [Eze 18:20], and Jesus has paid the penalty IN FULL for all men [1 Jn 2:2], abolishing death [2 Tim 1:10], and when the last of mankind bows the knee and confesses Jesus [Phil 2:10-11] (which thing can only be done by the Holy Spirit [1Co 12:3]), and receives salvation and immortality [Rom 10:10, 1Cor 15:53-54] (which only Jesus possesses [1Tim 6:16]) will not the last enemy, death, truly be swallowed up in victory [1 Cor 15:54] and be no more [Rev 21:4]?
     Is this not Father's will [1Tim 2:4]?  Shall He not accomplish all His will [Isa 46:10]?

1 comment:

  1. Mmmmm...if Christ lives in us, do not all in whom Christ dwells possess immortality? And ultimately, according to scripture as you point out, the spiritual energetic flow known as the Mind of Christ will dwell in all...all will be saved...death defeated...yes- it flows logically! But that leaves me with...nothing to fear! Imagine, a fearless life!
