Sunday, March 28, 2010

Esther - Moments of Discovery

"The glory of God is to conceal a thing, but the glory of kings is to search out a matter." [Pro 25:2]
One of Father's wonderful gifts to us is that of moments of discovery.  That moment when light dawns on the mind in an area that had been shrouded in dense fog is an occassion for joy and celebration.

The late Ray Stedman often noted that the great truths revealed in the Greek scriptures are illustrated in the lives and events of the Hebrew scriptures.  No detail is too small to add subtle nuances of understanding to the objects of discovery. Important are the events themselves, the meanings of the names of the participants, the order in which people and events occur, the relationships between the characters, where the history takes place, and so on.
One of Dr. Stedman's observations regards the passage quoted above.  He took from it, and many other passages, that a king in scripture is a metaphore for the totality of the human soul. Noting this in study, there are marvelous insights to be gained regarding the workings and purpose of human will, emotions and intellect.
The goal of this series of posts will be to throw light on the subject of the struggle between flesh and Spirit, where the battle takes place, how it is fought, and the final outcome. We shall discover that Father has left clues for us to encourage us in our daily walk as He works out His purposes in us. Armed with new insight, we may find greater peace in the midst of life's most challenging moments.
Our first task will be to charaterize the principals of the account. Subsequently we will consider the roles of the principals, their relationships to one another, and the implications of the account and its outcome regarding the larger truth that Father is illustrating. Hopefully we will enjoy some of those "aha" moments as we progress.
Next up: The principal characters.

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