"After these things, did King Ahasuerus promote to power Haman son of Hammedatha the Agagite, and exalted him,-and placed his seat above all the rulers who were with him." [Est 3:1]You have no doubt seen the illustration. Dressed in a robe, Moses is seated on a flat rock flanked on either side by Aaron and Hur. They are holding up his arms so the army of Israel will prevail in the battle. It is Israel's first taste of war and it comes shortly after passing through the Red Sea. The Amalekites have been attacking Israel's rear, preying on the old and infirm, the women and children. There is much symbolism in this account, yet we must hasten on and so we will make a single observation: it is the Amalekites who become the archetypal enemy of Israel. They are despised for their cowardly and merciless tactics. Ever a thorn in Israel's flesh, Father eventually orders their extermination early in Saul's reign. In failing to complete the mission, Saul unwittingly sets the stage for the next event in our study.
"... But the Scripture locked up all under sin, ..." [Gal 3:22a]
"... because the carnal mind is enmity against God, ..." [Rom 8:7a]
At the outset of the third chapter of Esther we find the king has ceded authority within the kingdom to Haman. Haman is an 'Agagite', a descendant of Esau through Amalek. He owes his existence to Israel's disobedience. He is not ignorant of history and bears great malice toward the sons of Jacob.
In the wake of his banishing of Vashti, the king has elevated Haman to what amounts to the role of Prime Minister, the face of the government. Haman's counsel the king keeps. At this point the king has not a clue what he has done or the effect it will have on his kingdom.
So the types are coming into focus. Adam's decision has resulted in our race's loss of connection with Father and bondage to the rule of the flesh. Self replaced Father as the authority in our life. We have been indentured to a despot and short of Father opening our eyes, we are completely ignorant of the current state of affairs. The vast majority of mankind live their entire lives in this state. Controlled by the flesh, looking out for 'number one'. This is 'normal' for mankind and the basis for all conflict.
We are born to this, it is Adam's legacy and our present reality. We have been sold into the hands of a cunning regent. But Father has planned for this and the coming confrontation will perfectly serve His purposes. In the mean time, mankind is held under the sway of selfish flesh. Not even believers are free from its grip.
To be continued ...
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